Mary Poppins Returns

We cordially invite you to read our review

Of the wonder and amazement that will ensue

If you go down to watch and view

Mary Poppins Returns, it’ll astound you.


With colours aplenty, a spectacular sight

The special effects are a true delight

Not to forget the acting, of course

Of Seamus the dog, the badger and horse

As well as the humans Colin Firth and Ben Wishaw

Their acting and nuance will leave you in awe.


But with Emily Blunt we think you will find

Her singing and dancing will blow your mind

There could be no one more suited for this role

As she gives to it her heart and soul

With a wave of her hand and a glint in her eye

You’ll be lost from reality and believe you can fly


And the most joyous of all, Lin Min Manual

He narrates us his tale, casting a spell.

All those who hear,

Will stand up and cheer.

The lamplighter’s story

Of family and glory.


And don’t you fret if you’re an adult,

‘Cause this film has plenty to tell you about

What its like to be a kid once more,

Even if you are one hundred and four.


This sequel has not come at a cost

The original’s flair has not been lost

Rob Marshall’s the director, of that can we can be sure,

He’s captured the same loving essence from nineteen sixty-four.


This film is truly delightful and

Maybe even a little insightful,

It will leave you with a warm feeling,

Of family, love and you’ll be dancing on the ceiling.


And so, we will bid you adieu

But we really must implore you

To see this film which we both adore,

It will leave you wanting an encore.