How do you like toads? Some think they are ugly and vicious creatures, others find them sympathetic or even cute. For Australia, cane toads are a real problem.
‘Cane Toads – The Conquest’ is a 3D documentary about toads that have been brought to Eastern Australia to kill the cane bugs during a sugar cane crisis in the 1930s. Instead of killing the bugs, the toads invaded the sensitive Australian environment and are since then on their march westwards. They still resist every attempt to stop their invasion or decimate their numbers. But though this crisis is a serious threat to Australia, by far not everyone hates these amphibians.
The beautifully directed documentary by Mark Lewis shows all emotions that the toads brought with them. Many hate them and try to kill as many as possible, others build statues after them. Some invent traps to catch them, others start a merchandise and turn them into handbags.
In funny scenes and interesting close ups, the toads are presented in a quite sympathetic way, as are the Australians, who mainly take it with humour.
One can say whatever about 3D films but this documentary shows how great 3D cinema can be if enough effort has been put into it.
If you like toads or don’t, ‘Cane Toads – The Conquest’ is a highly entertaining film that people of every age can enjoy and though it is a serious subject for Australia, the hilarious scenes will raise a little bit of sympathy in everyone.