Editors' Blog — Friday 29th August: Day 2


Hi Edd fans. It’s Edd here. You may remember me from such blogs as EDITORS’ BLOG – DAY ONE. If you do remember me from this masterpiece, then you’ve come back for more. We knew you would. So I don’t know if anyone picked up on the BBC article on the Venice Film Festival yesterday. If you didn’t, here it is:


Thanks very much BBC for the token CFF mention, but you’ve kind of got your ratios wrong here. Venice may have Emma Stone and Michael Keaton, but do they have a thirty-percent discount at the bar for media delegates? I think not. Next time, nameless, author-less BBC article, give Cambridge ninety-percent and Venice, ten. They ain’t got nuthin’ on us.

Alongside many great films at this year’s festival, we also have a number of great guests. Here is a photo of a very special friend of ours, Gil Kofman, who happens to be in the office right now. Yes we hob-nob with the big cheeses here at Take One.

Gil pic

Gil had a monochrome day on Thursday. I asked Gil for his advice on how to write a clever and funny blog. His answer was to imagine you are an extremely arrogant individual… I began this blog ‘Hey Edd Fans’. I think I’ve got that sorted.

At the suggestion of Editor-in-Chief, (and because I’m struggling to fill this blog) I have created a Bucket List for this year. You had the things to see, now for the things to do (before the festival dies):

1. Meet and shake the hand of Tony Jones – yes that’s right try and find our glorious leader and shake his hand. (I’ll admit I haven’t done this yet). It only counts if you get a photo.
2. Exclaim loudly coming out of PETER SELLERS: THE EARLY SHORTS, “Yeah, it’s fine but I prefer his earlier work, Peter Sellers: The Pre-School Years” – Nothing is quite as good as a festival hipster.
3. Get a selfie with Lucy Rosenstiel – She’s the happiest person at the festival (the rest of us have given up on life). Get a selfie with her. It will give you social cred and make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
4. Read Take One loudly in the bar, pausing occasionally to exclaim its brilliance – Ok. This one is just self advertising. You caught us.
5. Take a steak into LOVE STEAKS – Find a slab of meat. Take it into LOVE STEAKS. Simple. (From now on LOVE STEAKS will be referred to as AFFECTION CHOPS)
6. Send an email to TridentFest demanding they come back!! – Let’s just admit it, the festival isn’t the same without them.
7. Spot my name in the thank you credits after films – It should come up twice; both Edd Elliott and Edward Elliott. Apparently they are going to change it. If you feel as strongly about this as I do, start a campaign or a kickstarter or something. An injustice is being done!!
8. Take armbands to THE LIDO PICTURE SCREENINGS – extra points for banana hammocks and inflatable killer whales.
9. Make a T-shirt with #IloveLamprecht on it – Hell, it’s the funniest thing Take One has come up with… ever. If this doesn’t take off nothing will.
10. Find the Take One easter egg – We have discreetly placed an easter egg under one of the chairs. Find it before someone else does!

In other news, the Venice Film festival starts today. They had some minor celebrities, saw some film, made some speeches, went home.