Very few films begin by telling the audience the ending in such a blatant manner as ‘In the end, Emilia dies and Julio does not die’. But in a film like this, obviously that fact is less important than the route it will take to get there – and soon one wonders if that is … Continue reading Bonsai→
Ed Frost is generally impressed with Aardman’s tongue-twisting latest, THE PIRATES! IN AN ADVENTURE WITH SCIENTISTS, featuring Hugh Grant as a hopeless pirate
Time: how we use it and play with it… what we choose to do with it. Eve Stebbing reviews the second short film programme at Norwich Film Festival 2012.
Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s police procedural story is a beautifully composed film, featuring some great filmmaking. It may be a hard film to love, though, says Jim Ross.
It’s a brave man who would dare try to breathe new life in to this most flogged of horses. But who better to take on the challenge than someone who grew up with the genre and knows it inside out? Gavin Midgley reviews Dexter Fletcher’s contemplative crime thriller WILD BILL.
Running from now until mid-April, “Bugsy Malone – A Live Cinema Experience” follows from the incredible interactive success of Secret Cinema. Cheap and completely unpredictable, new ventures are beginning to show drama, action and magic is beginning to spark in the audience, not just on the screen.
SCI-FI SATURDAY SECRET MATINEES at the Grand Illusion Cinema! Space Madness! Steampunk Adventures! Beasts From Beyond! March 24th was the final installment of the 2012 three-month series.
Title aside, on the surface there is plenty in this life-story to tickle anticipation: the return of Cameron Crowe; the ever-entertaining Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson; and plenty of animals and kids. What could possibly go wrong?