Category Archives: Reviews

Dreams of a Life

38 year old Joyce Vincent died in 2003, after wrapping her Christmas presents. Her body was not discovered until three years later, when she was found in an armchair, the television still on. In a city so densely compact, how is it possible for a person to become lost? Dorian Stone reviews Carol Morley’s drama-documentary DREAMS OF A LIFE.


After an argument, one ten year old boy hits another in the face with a stick. The next day, the parents meet to sort out things in a polite and civilized fashion. Let the politically correct mayhem commence! Mihai Kolcsar reviews Polanski’s latest.

Patience (After Sebald)

This poetic and meditative documentary introduces the viewer to the writings of the German/English writer W. G. Sebald and mainly his novel “The Rings of Saturn” which focuses on the narrators trips around Suffolk. Mihai Kolcsar reviews.