Category Archives: Festival Coverage

The Surfer

While THE SURFER does not deliver many surprises beyond the details of Cage’s character’s trials, humiliations, and triumphs, fans of Cage, Australian dramas, and a B-movie’s relish for the extreme will find it lives up to the promise of its premise with aplomb.

Stealing Pulp Fiction

STEALING PULP FICTION has an ironic postmodern sensibility combining a reverence for cinema and the cinema-going experience – midnight screenings, overflowing tubs of popcorn, the smell of 35mm prints – with an ironic appreciation of Quentin Tarantino’s own postmodern work.

The Assessment

THE ASSESSMENT has enough interesting ideas to bolster the excellent central performances and basic premise. It never quite rises to meet its loftier concerns, but intelligent writing and captivating performances result in something well above a passing grade.


Over the past decade, there has been an inescapable feeling that the world is on fire. Not just in a literal sense, regarding climate change, but also the sense that society and the social contract are burning down around us. Opposition has become polarisation that has not just merely moved the Overton window but smashed … Continue reading 2073