Alison Rose’s documentary follows four astronomers embarking on a fiftieth anniversary re-enactment of an American road trip from their twenties and reflecting on the impact of their discoveries.
Alison Rose’s documentary follows four astronomers embarking on a fiftieth anniversary re-enactment of an American road trip from their twenties and reflecting on the impact of their discoveries.
What makes this doc different from many glazed war movies is that the brutal story is not told from the American point of view, but by those directly affected by it.
Mike Levy provides some of the highlights from Gemma Craven and Daniel Cerquiera’s post-RADIATOR Q&A.
Edd Elliott interviews Emma Eliza Regan on her new film DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN.
Nick Kitchin reviews the director’s cut of 54, restored for originally intended viewing.
Nick Kitchin reviews the short film ONE NIGHT IN HELL for the 35th Cambridge Film Festival
Fitfully witty but structurally unsound French jeu d’esprit: not so much ‘high art’ as ‘Hi, Art!’, writes Stephen Watson.
Precise sound design, seductive landscapes and lugubrious humour combine in a modern Czech fairytale, writes Chloë Casper.
Kurt Langbein’s film shines a light on the dark business of intensive agriculture where profits come before people, writes Gavin Midgley.
ATOMIC isn’t all death and destruction. There’s a very positive side to the story, celebrating ingenuity, determination and compassion.