BFI LFF Diary #1
On day 4 of the event, our roving reporter Jack Toye “expunges” his thoughts on this year’s BFI London Film Festival.
On day 4 of the event, our roving reporter Jack Toye “expunges” his thoughts on this year’s BFI London Film Festival.
X+Y looks set to be just the right sort of film to herald the start of springtime after a meteorologically melancholy winter, writes Jack Toye at the BFI London Film Fest.
Lepidopterism and lesbianism abound in Peter Strickland’s new feature, writes Jack Toye at the BFI London Film Fest.
Where does philosophy live in a world where we are saying goodbye to language? Perhaps it lies in the re-emergence of 3D in cinema?
CROSSING POINTS explores the memory of space and its atmosphere, according to Hannah Clarkson.
THE VIEW FROM OUR HOUSE is as much about what is unseen, as what is depicted, according to Hannah Clarkson.
WE ARE MANY gives a new perspective on the 2003 protests, but could maybe do with a bit more balance, according to James Walpole.
THE CASE AGAINST 8 is a gripping and revealing documentary following the overturning of California’s controversial Proposition 8, writes Katrina Smith.
THE LAST EMPEROR 3D is a worthy conversion that enhances the film thematically as well as visually, according to James Walpole.
AMOUR FOU sends its audience into contortions with its stifling uneasiness, according to Edd Elliott.