All content tagged Rungano Nyoni

On Becoming a Guinea Fowl

ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL – Rungano Nyoni’s second feature film – is a skilfully constructed balance of tone and expectations. The film finds reason in oddities, truths in ambiguities, and joy despite trauma, all underscored by a superb performance from Susan Chardy.

The closing of CAFF, Mwansa The Great and interview with director Rungano Nyoni

The Cambridge African Film Festival drew to a close last week, summing up the extraordinary work pouring out of Africa with a set of shorts from various countries on the continent (see for more information). The last of these was MWANSA THE GREAT – a wonderfully crowd-pleasing adventure into the heart and mind of … Continue reading The closing of CAFF, Mwansa The Great and interview with director Rungano Nyoni