Thunder Road
Jim Cummings bitingly funny and profoundly sad debut, THUNDER ROAD, has finally come to UK cinemas after its premiere at the 2018 SXSW festival. Ben Woodard reviews.
Jim Cummings bitingly funny and profoundly sad debut, THUNDER ROAD, has finally come to UK cinemas after its premiere at the 2018 SXSW festival. Ben Woodard reviews.
Elle spoke to director Daniel Scheinert during Sundance London, and you can read their discussion here. In a small town such as this film’s in Alabama, news travels pretty fast – including the most recent town scandal, the death of Dick Long. After a wild night of partying with his friends, Dick’s body turns up … Continue reading The Death Of Dick Long
Liv Hill’s firestarter performance keeps JELLYFISH from becoming unrelentingly depressing. A celebration of endurance, maybe, but one which questions just how much people can take. Scott Wilson reviews.
THE NIGHTINGALE redefines all preconceptions you have about horror films and sheds a harsh light some of the most disturbing and untold aspects of colonialism in Australia; the most nauseating of which is the truth that lies within them. Director Jennifer Kent is a detailed and masterful storyteller, painting the film with the same skin-crawling … Continue reading The Nightingale
MAGICAL NIGHTS is a cheeky, dark peek behind the curtain into a world of delusional fantasy. Murray Ferguson reviews from the Italian Film Festival.
ON A MAGICAL NIGHT (CHAMBRE 212) is a smart comedy about life and love until it trails off into a confusing, self-consciously deep ending. Yemi Chabi reviews from Cannes 2019.
Underneath the layers of glitters and shiny colours in UNICORN STORE lies an unusual coming-of-age story about empowerment and self-acceptance. Carine Belmont reviews.
Tina Kendall reviews Werner Herzog’s new film FAMILY ROMANCE, LLC from Cannes Film Festival 2019.
Screening at Sundance London 2019, ANIMALS ‘has an undeniably charming quality to it’. Elle Haywood reviews.
EUPHORIA is an affecting film that effectively balances human drama with jovial debauchery. Murray Ferguson reviews as part of the Italian Film Festival.