This US documentary directed by Rick Rowley follows a young investigative reporter, Jeremy Scahill. He has collected many pieces of shocking evidence and data that exploits the US Military forces (such as JSOC) for the secrets that they have been holding from the domestic and foreign publics for many years.
The film itself is constructed very well; the details of information that it holds entice the audience immediately, and are enough to attract almost anyone, regardless of how much you already know about the current warfare in the Middle Eastern territories. As the film progresses, the audience learns more and more disturbing and incriminating truths that oppose the US Military. It is both moving and horrifying to experience the footage of Jeremy ‘s encounters throughout the film, and there is a lot of detail and history to it all. Nevertheless, somehow the film manages to preach it all within a satisfying manner.
Whether all the information and details within the film are fact or conspiracy is a very controversial matter. However, the film raises many issues that get the audience thinking and talking, which is exactly what a documentary is supposed to do. Even if the film seems to be a one sided argument, it doesn’t force opinions; instead it encourages controversy, which I believe is what made the film seem so immersive and worth watching.
– Josh Flowers