Category Archives: Reviews

Tales of the Night (Les Contes De La Nuit) 3D

“Michel Ocelot astounds his audience with short stories perfect in length for toddlers or for adults of short attention span. By far the most apt and expert use of 3D I have seen, the delicate addition of a third dimension to a silhouette animation is analogous to the magic in the tales.” Ferry Hunt reviews TALES OF THE NIGHT at Brighton Film Festival.

Squint Volume One: Up on your feet

“For one night only let’s see things on a big screen, with the sound up loud – a party atmosphere to celebrate a commercial artform that continues to run deep roots into all aspects of the cultural conscience”. Harry Hunt reviews Sam Cuthbert’s anthology of music videos at Brighton Film Festival.

Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai 3D

The ancient samurai ritual of hara-kiri, also known as seppuku, is a symbolic suicide performed in an attempt to regain honour when all hope is otherwise lost. It is a grisly fate, involving plunging a short sword, known as a tantō into one’s stomach, and slicing left to right. An appointed “attendant” would then finish the job by relieving you of your head. Harry Hunt reviews Takashi Miike’s HARA-KIRI: DEATH OF A SAMURAI