Category Archives: Reviews

Breathing (Atmen)

Roman Kogler (Thomas Schubert) is a bit lost. Four years in the Austrian juvenile detention system have left him numb and passionless, but he still yearns for resolution. BREATHING follows him as he seeks this resolution out. Harry Hunt reviews this directorial debut from Austrian actor Karl Markovics.

Dance Town (댄스 타운)

DANCE TOWN brings a snowy rallentando to Jeon’s trilogy which began with ANIMAL TOWN and MOZART TOWN. Each film looks at Korean life through the eyes of urban misfits who have been excluded from, or simply ignored by the rest of society.

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1

The vampire saga returns for a fourth outing, and once again the old gang are all present. Arriving on the back of ECLIPSE, certainly the best of the series so far, Bill Condon’s project had much to live up to, and as the first few scenes stumble past it will seem as though the undertaking has fallen well short.

The Rum Diary

A controversial writer, a cult director and a famous actor trying to avoid the Hollywood image is the formula which gave birth in 1998 to one of the most memorable films of the decade, FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS, a film that despite its short-comings is still blowing the minds of new generations of teenagers world over.

Twilight to Twilight

It is quite amazing, the level of abuse a man will receive for openly stating that he will be attending a TWILIGHT marathon – or “Twiathlon”. In fact, unless the next words out of your mouth are “I’m writing a review” you might as well leave any male – and quite a few female – friendships behind.