The uniquely melancholic lament of ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD, belied by the fairy-tale title, suggests Tarantino’s misty-eyed romanticism for cinema has perhaps clouded the clarity of his own artistic vision. Jim Ross reviews.
TRANSIT presents the darker shadows of history. Humankind itself is stalled and in limbo. While we stand still, the echoes of the past grow louder until we can hear them loud and clear right alongside us. Jim Ross reviews.
Adding to the number of black-and-white devotees, Kirill Serebrennikov cooks a gorgeously looking film too self-conscious to be ultimately gratifying. Serena Scateni reviews.
Shifting between gloomy exploration of the sex trade and gritty revenge thriller, LA MALA NOCHE is an intriguing yet tonally uneven drama featuring some strong performances. Murray Ferguson reviews