There are impressive elements to Thomas Arslan’s GOLD, even if they don’t quite work together as often as they should, writes Dan Harling.
There are impressive elements to Thomas Arslan’s GOLD, even if they don’t quite work together as often as they should, writes Dan Harling.
THE GREAT HIP HIP HOAX – two Scots remaking themselves as Californian rap duo – is a mild indictment of the artificiality of modern music, writes Jim Ross
There is a joyful rhythm to this documentary on flamenco singer Enrique Morente despite its self-congratulatory tone, writes Hannah Clarkson.
I don’t scare easily and I am probably the least superstitious person I know. I do not believe in ghosts, ghoulies or things that go bump in the night (barring peckish urban foxes). I take a dim view of the chance that paranormal beings exist in our reality and of those who seek to convince … Continue reading The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill
“You can’t plough a field by turning it over in your mind”. DUMMY JIM is inspired by Scottish author and long-distance cyclist, James Duthie.
Even in the depths of the monarch’s decadence and detachment from reality, LUDWIG is always a sympathetic character, writes Owen Baker.
HANNAH ARENDT is a film populated with deep thinkers, academics and journalists, but only a few express their passions believably, writes Mark Liversidge.
Science and the popular press have become somewhat uneasy bedfellows over the last few decades, writes Mark Liversidge.
The actual medical cause of physical ‘growing pains’ among children remain unknown, Wikipedia (reliably?) informs the curious reader: they are not thought to be directly linked to spurts in height. This mildly poetic physiological peculiarity seems relevant to the selection of short films at the Arts Picturehouse entitled GROWING PAIN– the five pieces chosen explore … Continue reading Growing Pain
What better way to open this year’s Cambridge Film Festival than with an exploration of one of its most famous residents?