Agnes Joy
Set between the stunning Akranes and Reykjavik, AGNES JOY is full of subtle beauties, from the landscape to the emotional intelligence of the actors.
Set between the stunning Akranes and Reykjavik, AGNES JOY is full of subtle beauties, from the landscape to the emotional intelligence of the actors.
As Simon Bird’s debut, DAYS OF THE BAGNOLD SUMMER indicates a successful career for him behind the camera as well as in front.
“You’ll need a drink afterwards” was the main takeaway from the introduction to VALLEY OF SOULS, director Nicolás Rincón Gille’s first fiction feature. Set in the Colombian countryside, it follows one man on his journey to reclaim the bodies of his two sons, killed and dumped in the river by a far-right paramilitary group. It … Continue reading Valley of Souls
Vaclav Marhoul’s new film is a raw and visceral horror – a film that shows humanity at its absolute worst in an unnamed area of Eastern Europe during World War II. Ben Woodard reviews at Glasgow Film Festival 2020.
The production design and visual style of PROXIMA are refreshingly earth-bound and create a tangible emotional connection to the characters, even if Alice Winocour’s symbolic moments lack the subtlety that would elevate the film itself to the stars. Jim Ross reviews at Glasgow Film Festival.
SPOOKIES, a delightfully campy American horror film, oozes low-budget charm and is the epitome of the independent horror aesthetic of the 1980s. Katie Duggan reviews.
In Théo Court’s haunting BLANCO EN BLANCO he interrogates the images we create of nations and ourselves through photography, while drawing our attention to the ghostly traces of dark history that mar these images. Katie Duggan reviews.
The ‘gore cut’ of the film – screening at Glasgow Film Festival – cements TAMMY AND THE T-REX’s status as unapologetically campy nonsense best seen in a cinema with other people. Simon Bowie reviews.
Like a half-remembered video game that you played as a kid that now you come to describe to someone as an adult, JESUS SHOWS YOU THE WAY TO THE HIGHWAY sounds utterly improbable but is never boring. Simon Bowie reviews.
An absurdist take on a day-in-the-life, Mira Fornay’s drama COOK F**K KILL produces some complex narrative strands and attempts to deliver a deep take-home message. COOK F**K KILL explores the relationship dynamics within a dysfunctional family, with particular emphasis on masculinity, domestic violence and questions of identity. While captivating and innovative in the most part, … Continue reading Cook F**K Kill